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cooperative education: a longitudinal study in three different academic majors. Poster presentation at the 1st International DZHW User Conference on Dynamics in the Student and Academic Life Course, Leibnizhaus …
discussions. The academic life in the 2nd year destination is unique and different from that of the 1st year because it tries to build more on the theoretical foundations and methodologies than on its …
Northwest. Based on an interview-based case study analysis and a real laboratory, the work presents (1) which problem understandings underlie municipal action related to active mobility, ageing and health …
Gerlach Supervisor: Dr.-Ing. Richard Ostwald A constitutive model for semicrystalline polymers via a rank-1 homogenization approach (master project thesis) Completed: 10/2018 Author: H. Wilbuer Supervisor: Dr …
1. Material living conditions 01A. Food security through sustainable agriculture Place: University of Mosul Food security means having enough safe and nutritious food. Food insecurity can destabilize societies …
Johanna: Möglichkeiten für die Festsetzung von Klimaanpassungsmaßnahmen in Bebauungsplänen nach § 9 Abs. 1 BauGB: Handlungsempfehlungen am Beispiel der Stadt Essen (Bachelorarbeit, M.Sc. Philip M. Kruse; Ass …
You can find the interview here (German). …
From 28th April to 2nd of May the first International Conference on Thermochemical Recycling of Plastics was hosted in Malaga. Maria Schlüter participated with poster and oral presentations about her …
Online (Zoom) When you start the Master's degree program, you can choose from a wide range of elective modules in business administration and economics. Dr. Jessica Donato will be happy to answer any …
We talk about the description of solids in the framework of linear elasticity theory and about the solvability of the equations. The equations are not always unambiguously solvable, which can be clear …