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Languages. Under which conditions may I take a retake exam? You are entitled to take a retake exam if you 1) attended but did not pass your final exam or 2) can provide proof (letter from a professor or, in the …
from the transaction processing and IoT domains. The MxKernel project officially starts on October 1, 2017. Publications Jan Mühlig and Jens Teubner. MxTasks: How to Make Efficient Synchronization and …
S. 8-11 Rinschede, T.; Wolf, T. Effizientes Bohren von Inconel 718 IndustryArena eMagazine (2022) 1, S. 36-37, zum Text Iovkov, I.; Saelzer, J.; Alammari, Y.; Bücker, M.; Wolf, T.; Biermann, D. Resso …
2023 in over 4,000 households, with parents of 2,112 children between the ages of 5 and 12, parents of 1,978 young people aged 13 to 17 and the young people themselves being surveyed. In 2024, a longitudinal …
the chair from 1969 to 2004, had a formative influence on the chair. He took up his post on October 1, 1969, at the same time as the birth of a daughter. Junius taught primarily planning cartography and …
whenever the Larmor precession period is a multiple of the laser repetition period. In Phys. Rev. Research 1 , 033189 (2019) , we have suggested that this effect can also appear under certain conditions if small …
Simulation und Experiment (with Dieter Suter and Frank Weichert) SS 2014 TU Dortmund Lecture Physik 1 with Vorkurs (with Markus Betz, Carsten Westphal, Kai Schmidt) WS 2013/14 TU Dortmund Seminar Soft Matter …
Education and Schooling (incl. overall coordination of evaluation and on-site inspection of Masterplan 1.0) Acquisition of funding Co-application for funding from the Gesellschaft der Freunde der TU Dortmund …
study at the Department of Spatial Planning . The registration for examinations in BOSS for modules 1 and 3 takes place automatically via the Examinaton Board after the allocation of places has been completed …
n for students can be found in the checklist for stays abroad under "Recognition ..." . Evaluation 1. Erasmus+ In the Erasmus+ program, the International Office regularly checks how many ECTS credits students …